Holy crap, you guys?!?!!? I have about five minutes to write this blog post, in between client emails, and going to the grocery store and then to yoga.
But I've decided to post on my blog every day for the next 30 days, to give you a behind-the-scenes look at running an IndieGogo campaign to raise $7200. That I decided to do on basically a whim.
(Which is how I do a lot of things, including how I met my partner and how I decided to do graphic design. One of these days I'll write a post about how following my whims doesn't in fact make me a flake. Because it's about what you do after the whim that matters.)
Anyway! Here we are. Almost 24 hours into the IndieGogo campaign to raise $7200, and the total raised, as of hitting "publish" on this post, is $1435. That's 20%! Y'all... I am BLOWN AWAY. I'm sorry... but I resort to ALL CAPS when I am REALLY EXCITED.
Interestingly, for a crowd-funding campaign, this is typical and it's what you want. In an article on Inc.com, Breanna DiGiammarino, cause director at Indiegogo, says "We often encourage campaign owners to raise about a third of their campaign goal in the first 24/48 hours after going live."
I'm making notes (well, in my head at least) for what I would do differently the next time I do crowd-funding for anyone, because to be honest, I decided to do this on Saturday and it was launched Sunday night. I didn't ask people to contribute off the start, like some resources suggest, so that the total would go up fast, and I have gone into this with as much of an attitude of "openness and gratitude" as I can muster. "We will see what the universe provides," that sort of thing.
But I am learning a TON. That's one benefit of throwing yourself into something and learning as you go! And I will be sharing all of that learning here on the blog over the next thirty days.
Stay tuned! And check out the campaign if you haven't already.
xoxo Leah