Day 25: Who I Want To Become

IMG_4233 I read a blog post that I get by email newsletter, quickly, in my inbox this morning, but the words stuck with me all day:

"You may think you need to get all your ducks in a row—a perfect business vision, business model, business brand, personal brand… all neatly lined up and packaged up, before you start sharing content with anyone else... But your head and heart and all it wants to say are always going to be two steps ahead of the business or brand or dream you’ve already been able to create. So just say it."

We share online not just who we are right now, but in order to become who we want to becomeThis truth struck me today like a cold wind on the face. Because I fall for that all the time, for that little voice in my head that says, "Well, until it's perfect, you can't share it." So I don't.

I call BS on that.


"Say it if it’s not perfect, write it if it’s not 100% fully-formed, share it if it’s still just sharing the journey along the way."

This week in the It's Business Time program we're outlining our lifestyle goals, and thinking about what we want our ideal days to be like. For me what comes up again and again is the word "Freedom." Yesterday after I got off work, the light was so gorgeous, and the air so brisk and cool. I was glad that I hadn't booked any Skype calls or committed to any work or any meetings in my evening time, because when I got home I was free to go to Florence Beach and walk its length.


I was free to spy on its icebergs, lie on its sand to take a picture of the sun through dried seaweed. I was free to ponder just who I want to become.


Also, just FYI, there are just six days left to contribute to my IndieGogo campaign, and score a sweet perk like a print of "Bloom and The Island Blooms," or working with me as a designer. (After this, I likely won't take new clients on for a few months, as I'll be pretty busy.)

xo! Leah